Young County Heroes

They Paid Dearly That We Might Live Freely. Remember Them.

World War II

Name Service Branch Awards and Medals
Newell, Luther
Newell, Raleigh, Jr.
Newman, David Ray
Newman, Sylman Ray
Newton, Odis B. Army
Nicholson, Ashford M. Seabees
Nicholson, Earl R
Nicholson, Richard D. Army
Nicholson, W. L. Army
Nicklas, Willie Carl
Nicolet, P. M.
Nimmo, William S
Nix, Lonzo Foster
Nix, O. Q.
Nix, O. T.
Nix, Ruth L. Army Nurse Corps
Nixon, Arthur Eugene Army
Nixon, B. F. Army
Nixon, William L. Army
Noah, Jasper William
Nored, Jerry Dean
Nored, Jimmy L., Jr.
Norman, C. D.
Norman, William D., Jr. AAF
Norred, Bowie Lee
Norred, Guy E., Jr. Army
Norred, William A. Seabees
Northcutt, James Lee
Norton, Ben Keely
Norton, Charles R.
Nowell, J. D., Jr.
Nugent, Frank Semple
Nunley George Army
Nunley, John
O'Dell, Jack Navy
O'Grady, John R
Oatman, Bobby R
Oatman, Eugene Wilson
Odom, Charles F
Odom, Earl S
Odom, Foy Army
Odom, Willie R
Oliphant, Oran Lonzo Navy
Oliver, Arthur M.
Oliver, Claude T., Jr. Marines
Olsson, Sterling Price
Olsson, Walter G.
Omohundro, Bland Army
Oney, Billy C
Orr, Billy H. Navy
